WEbinar zu Grenzgewalt in Serbien/Rumänien

Webinar der Balkanbrücke zu GRenzgewalt in Serbien/Rumänien
The intensification of the European border regime along the so called Balkan route repeatedly causes shifts in escape routes. As a part of the `Balkan route´, Serbia has been playing a central role in this for some time now. So far, the routes from Serbia to Hungary and Croatia have been the main focus of attention, but since winter 2019/2020, the Serbian-Romanian border has also been increasingly used by people on the move. Since then organizations have been reporting on police violence along the border and the calling of brutal thugs by the Romanian police forces, which are surpassing them in brutality. Further, on neither side of the border are the police providing information about ways to apply for asylum and there are no official government accommodation structures. In other words, even though the route is a new one, border violence and systematic pushbacks, as well as the denial of a fair and just asylum process, repeat themselves. In this webinar, we want to address issues around the situation at the Romanian/Serbian border, including the normalization of (racist) border violence, the presence of the European "border and coast guard agency" Frontex in Serbia and Romania, and the impact of Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine on the situation of People on the Move in Serbia and Romania. The webinar will be hold in English, and streamed on Youtube! There is the possibility to ask questions in the live-chat.
Our guests will be: Milica Švabić, activist and lawyer working with the serbian NGO Klikaktiv Flavius Ilioni, journalist and coordinator of the romanien NGO LOGs Marta Stojić Mitrović, researcher and expert in the field critical migration and border regime studies The webinar will be hold in English, and streamed on Youtube! There is the possibility to ask questions in the live-chat.
The webinar will be hold in English, and streamed on Youtube! There is the possibility to ask questions in the live-chat.
The webinar will be hold in English, and streamed on Youtube! There is the possibility to ask questions in the live-chat.

Event Details
Start: Apr 26 @ 19:00 Uhr
Ende: Apr 26 @ 21:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Webinar

Adresse: Online